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Strengthening Coffee Farming Communities

Strengthening Coffee Farming Communities Amid Global Challenges

Written By:Anika Nicolaudius
Date:2 August 2023
Theme:Family Businesses

Review of the Year 2022

In 2022, International Coffee Partners (ICP) has reached more than 115,000 coffee-farming households since our founding in 2001. A number that is growing year after year as our work continues. In all our project regions, we integrate all aspects according to our Theory of Change: Family businesses, farmer organizations, climate change, youth, and gender. A holistic approach that was once again proven to support coffee farming families in coping with a variety of challenges as well as unpredicted situations as in 2022.

The year 2022 unfolded with both hope and adversity in coffee-growing regions worldwide: As the world slowly emerged from the pandemic's grip, smallholder farming families glimpsed signs of economic recovery. Rising coffee prices ignited optimism and hope for improved farm profits after enduring years of hardship.

The Receding Pandemic was Followed by Russia's Attack on Ukraine

Yet, unexpected challenges surfaced when Russia attacked Ukraine, with terrible humanitarian consequences for the country. More indirect effects included disrupted global supply chains, impacting not only Europe but also many parts of the world including coffee-growing countries. These disruptions, combined with the ongoing effects of climate change, such as droughts and erratic weather phenomena, left smallholder families in vulnerable situations. High farm input prices, food insecurity, and increased migratory pressures added further complexity to their generally challenging situation.

Food Security and More Independence from External Inputs was the Answer

In response to these ongoing developments, ICP focused its efforts in 2022 on strengthening farmers’ food security and reducing their dependence on external inputs. From Indonesia to East Africa to Brazil and Central America, farmers in our projects continued their application of organic fertilizers and Integrated Pest and Disease Management, fostering self-sufficiency and independence from external inputs. At the same time, diversified production systems proved to be crucial pillars of food security. Through vegetable gardens and coffee intercropping with cash and food crops, farming families secured additional income sources and ensured direct access to food.

Trainings on Climate-Smart Practices Support Farmers in Adapting to a Changing Environment

Climate change's persistent impact emphasized once again the importance of climate-smart practices: Droughts, heavy rains, and a tropical storm caused unfavorable crop growing conditions and impaired production. ICP continued implementing adaptation and mitigation strategies throughout all project regions based on the approach of the initiative for coffee&climate (c&c). In 2022, 19,350 smallholding farming families received training on climate-smart agricultural practices. These measures empower communities to adapt to the changing climate and build a sustainable future.

Looking ahead, collaboration and partnership remain at the core of ICP's vision. By fostering cooperation, ICP aims to amplify its impact and reach more farming communities, supporting them in achieving improved livelihoods.

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022

Discover more about how our regional projects developed in 2022:

Annual Report 2022